Installing replacement window screens

Spring is here and it’s time to replace the screens that are brittle and old,torn or even missing. Frames will usually last for years if they are all metal and no plastic corner but screen mesh material is another thing. Installing replacement window screens is a must on mesh that is over 7 to 10 years in age, screen mesh does not last for more than 7 to 10 years after that time they need to be replaced for new ones.

Good frames will last for years but the mesh will deteriorate fast especially with the sun hitting it all day, these will last mush less than 7 years. The sun exposure to window and door screens is an enemy that screens don’t do well with, as a matter of fact screens that are exposed to the sun last much less time than screens that are in the shade.

How do you know if you need to re-screen your windows:
If your screen material is white
If your screen mesh is gray
If your screen mesh is shinny
If you have holes in your screen
If you have bird tears in the screen
If your screen is missing
If the screen frame is bent

Installing replacement window screens on your home does not have to be a difficult task. We are a mobile screen company that has been doing great screen jobs since 1993 and we have over 50,000 satisfied customers, all our work is mobile so if you need to replace a screen or two we will be more than happy to take care of your needs. We offer free estimate and have many samples to choose from. We are just a phone call away! 805-304-6778